Proposed Rule Change to be voted on at the Georgia GOP Convention


Let’s face it, the Georgia Republican Party has been broken for several years:

This important rule change will be presented at the Columbus GOP Convention for a vote. The Republican Party’s brand has suffered drastically from Democrats running in Republican areas as Republicans to get elected and then not following the Republican Platform. The term RINO, (Republican in Name Only), has identified many of the elected officials voting against Republican principles in the Georgia General Assembly. If you are one of the many people concerned about election integrity because our Republican elected officials are not allowing transparency with the ballots after elections this may be another benefit. Elected officials that have voted correctly and in accordance to the party principles have been scrutinized by Republican leadership because they would not vote as they were told which was often against the will of the people in their district. As punishment they would be redistricted out of their voter base, prevented from bringing money back to their districts and were challenged in the primary by Republican leadership funding their competitor. Unless you are intimately involved politically, people in Georgia never knows this type of behavior is taking place under the gold dome. Many media outlets controlled by the establishment have heard about the proposal rule and are rushing to discredit the new rule and the people that plan to present it. That should tell you MAGA folks that the proposed rule is a good thing. One of the most recent attacks was made in the Political Vine authored by Simon. Simon has apparently added the delegates to his e-mail list that were not subscribed in a desperate attempt to discredit those pushing for the rule change.

THE TALE OF TWO GOPs. Be sure to check out this link:

Nathaniel Darnell Writes:

Chances are you’ve been hearing some buzz about the newly proposed Accountability Rule that GRA President and attorney Alex Johnson has submitted for consideration at the GA GOP State Convention at Columbus in June.

This Accountability Rule would specify the process for how the Georgia Republican Party can block a candidate from qualifying for office in future elections. I say “specify” because this is an inalienable power that the state party already possesses — a fact that has been recognized in our legal constitutions. This proposed rule’s language only clarifies the procedure regarding how it may be exercised.

So let’s cut through some of the misleading information disseminated by the rule’s opponents. First, this proposal is 100% constitutional. It is based upon the right of “freedom of association” in the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution from the Bill of Rights as well as the parallel “freedom of association” clause in the Georgia State Constitution. U.S. Supreme Court upheld this right in the year 2000 in the California Democratic Party v. Jones case and lower-level appellate courts have also upheld this right in more recent years.

Second, this rule would not be easily subject to abuse because state conventions typically have over 1,500 delegates (and if this rule is adopted, it will motivate even more people to participate). It is difficult to bribe or otherwise corrupt many activists from one end of the state to the other so that they oppose the same candidate. The candidate would have to do something very egregious for a consensus of delegates (who have to be re-elected every year) to resolve together to take this drastic action.

By the way, the GA GOP Executive Committee is the much smaller body that already approves who can qualify to run for President in the Georgia Republican Primary, so this proposed rule could not be used to block Donald Trump in any way whatsoever.

Third, this rule would checkmate Republican legislators who refuse to take action on issues important to the grassroots, such as election integrity. You cannot cheat in a Republican primary election if you aren’t allowed to qualify to run as a Republican.


I move to amend the GAGOP Rules by adding the following section:


  1. At all GAGOP State conventions, there shall be an opportunity for delegates to move that the GAGOP not qualify specific individuals for public office as a Republican.
  2. Any such motion that passes by a majority vote of those present and voting shall prohibit the GAGOP or any of its subsidiaries from, through action or inaction, qualifying that person for office, doing anything to help that person qualify for office, or to seek or achieve political office unless a majority of delegates at a future state convention votes to allow that person to qualify for office again.
  3. Nothing in these rules shall prevent a county GOP from refusing to qualify someone for county office.
  4. Neither the state committee nor the executive committee of the GAGOP, may vote to prevent someone from qualifying for office or to rescind or repeal such a decision made by the state convention.
  5. Any GAGOP officer or employee who takes any step toward qualifying someone prevented from doing so by a vote of the state convention, or assists them in doing so through action or inaction, shall be deemed to have automatically and immediately resigned from the GAGOP, and their actions shall be considered void and without authority.
  6. This rule (10.4) may only be amended or removed by a vote of the state convention.

Companion Rule proposal:

PROPOSED RULE CHANGE TO GAGOP RULES – 2023 – Liability Waiver Oath I move to amend the GAGOP Rules by amending Section 10.3 to state the following:   Any candidate for elective office running as a Republican Party candidate shall submit to the appropriate level of the Party the following oath affirming his or her allegiance to the party by signing the following oath: I DO SWEAR OR AFFIRM MY ALLEGIANCE TO THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN PARTY.  I FURTHER HEREBY SWEAR AND AFFIRM, IN CONSIDERATION FOR POSSIBLY ALLOWING ME TO QUALIFY AS A REPUBLICAN, THAT I WILL NOT SUE THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN PARTY, INC. FOR ANY REASON, AND I WILL PAY ANY AND ALL LEGAL FEES INCURRED DUE TO ANY LAWSUIT AGAINST THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT I BRING OR THAT ANYONE BRINGS ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY CAMPAIGN, OR FOR MY BENEFIT.        SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE ___________________       DATE   _____________________

As this rule change is introduced at the convention, there is likely to be amendments to the rule wording. Please get involved and understand the intent of this rule before you come to the convention.